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What Can You Do With A Computer Science Degree?


The field of computer science has huge potential that all major IT industries in the US are seeking to exploit. Anyone armed with a computer science degree, and its technical as well as non-technical skills, will find plenty of opportunities to make it big in the sector.

Undertaking The Study Of Computer Science

Although the study of computer science simply involves everything to do with software and hardware, there are vast applications of this discipline to pursue. Universal technological convenience also ensures that the big guns of the IT industry are forever in pursuit of computer science graduates.

Job positions for a computer science graduate are plentiful, the career choices interesting, and salaries compelling. All that is required is an affinity to the specific specialization. So, students with an aptitude for Math and Science can land computer and science jobs while also furthering their ambitions by upskilling. 

The demand for computer science graduates is unlike any other profession, where it exceeds supply, in turn offering significant rewards and job satisfaction.

What can you do with a Comp Sci degree?

The field of computer science studies has always been popular among those seeking to get high-paying jobs with little to-and-fro movement. Further, students and potential employees with the credentials of a computer science degree and zero experience enjoy greater marketability.

They can offer their services as a fresher or experienced worker and work towards securing a Comp Sci job with ease. Even the big names of the IT industry are willing to invest in fresh talent to explore and reach out to the new generation.

There is no lack of income-boosting jobs and personal security than that which computer science degree holders can avail of. Also, with the recent pandemic, people migrated more towards online services than wandering out of home and shopping offline.

A Comp Sci degree can open more doors than expected with the web bringing customers right to your fingertips. Every company and establishment now demands powerful cybersecurity and reliable technology to ensure their safe trade and growth. 

The appropriate Comp Sci degree can thus help propel your career and personal growth manyfold, offering your services to some of the most renowned brands in the IT industry. 

What are the future prospects of Computer Science graduates?

Concerning Comp Sci jobs, US Industry experts say the opportunity for graduates is ever-lasting and slated to increase. Statistics also indicate the growing rise of science graduates and job opportunities in equal measure when compared to other high-paying professions.

Contrary to popular belief, a computer science degree is widely applicable. As a programmer pursuing something different within the numerous industries in the IT sector, you’ll find a handful of paths to consider.

You could be, 

  • writing programs for everyday vehicles and high-profile vehicles in the Automotive industry
  • get into fashion and design through software development for Warby Parker
  • work on satiating your curiosity for machines by getting into Google and applying for AI development 

And so much more!

Some of the most commonly pursued ventures with a computer science degree are the six-figure salaried jobs such as IT research scientists, software development and research, software testers, computer network architects, quality assurance analysts, and more.


How relevant are IT jobs with a computer science degree?

The fact that computer science technology is now an integral part of everyday life solidifies the demand for computer science graduates and their various skill sets. It could be a job requirement from leadership roles to analysts to programmers.

Some of the industries that have openings for computer-based specializations include government agencies, MNCs, financial institutions, software development and research firms, Universities, management consultancy firms, hospitals, data warehouses, and communication companies.

Although technical in nature, earning a computer science degree gives you a deeper insight on technology and its interactions with people and environments alike. 

Along with the potential to invent and curate new technology, a computer science degree holder has the ability to identify potential areas for improvement in the existing tech and suggest out-of-the-box solutions.

As for relevancy, computer science applications exist unconditionally everywhere, from health care to automation to privacy control to financial consulting. 

What are the jobs available for computer science graduates?

Computer science as a discipline offers either further studies or job prospects that you can upskill on while learning on the go. It can serve as a major asset when you’re seeking to apply to specific positions in the various industries.

Getting into the research field is another option if you’re looking to break from the usual path. However, beyond the research aspect of computer science education, there are numerous professions to pursue, which are listed as follows.

  1. Cloud Computing Engineer
  2. Database Administrator
  3. Information Tech Specialist
  4. R&D Scientist
  5. Software Tester
  6. Machine Learning & AI Specialist
  7. Computer Science Professor
  8. Engineering Manager
  9. Mobile Applications Developer/Designer
  10. Software Developer
  11. Systems Analyst
  12. Business Analyst
  13. Computer Science Researcher/Scientist
  14. Full-stack Developer
  15. Network Architect
  16. Software Engineer
  17. UI/UX Designer
  18. Chief Information Security Officer
  19. Data Scientist
  20. Information Security Analyst
  21. Product Manager
  22. Software Quality Assurance Manager
  23. Web Developer

Oftentimes, becoming a software developer is the easiest way to utilize the computer science degree and its credentials. However, choices like becoming an administrator or analyst give you most welcome access to diversity in job positions, something no other professions offer.

Explore careers to match your interests

After your computer science graduation, it can get challenging to land a job, especially without prior experience. For such moments, maintaining a compelling portfolio of your extra-curricular college ventures helps you grab the employer’s attention to further consider your employment.

That said, not everyone has an innate knack to solve problems of a technical level demanded in many high-profile companies. No matter what your reason is to attain a computer science degree, there is always one choice perfect for your requirements. 

Let’s explore some of the careers you can consider when armed with a CS degree.

Multimedia Programmer

As a multimedia programmer, you’ll find yourself curating and creating, designing, and guiding multimedia products to reach the niche audience. In short, your creative skills will be focused on finding text, video, animation, graphics, photography, and 2D/3D modeling solutions for the product. 

Your technical skills go beyond just customer support and product monitoring and improvement. The designer and yourself will work in tandem to determine the design concept and its implementation, design operational rules, write codes to control and express features, run tests, and suggest further code improvement. 

Games Developer

To get into the game developing domain, you’ll need to be familiar and abreast with the related aspects of game coding and development.  As a game developer, your role is to design functional games for use on all appropriate electronic gadgets, from arcade games, hand-held consoles to smartphones.

Game development has two sides to its implementation: the fun storyboard creation and the technical coding aspect. From art, animation, detailed storyboard creation to C++ language coding, you have to ensure the game works efficiently on all consoles and gadgets. 

IT Consultant

As the name suggests, you’ll be working with your client in guiding them towards the utilization of the right information technology system to meet their business specifications. 

In this process, you are the consultant, advising the client on appropriate design, planning, and investment to meet objectives, overcome technical hurdles, and improve overall system efficiency.

The title of an IT consultant has a broad job requirement with direct involvement in business and sales while also maintaining a successful business network. Being an IT consultant requires you to have quite some experience in the commercial field to better understand future clients’ requirements.

Information Systems Manager

Similar to the broad requirements required from an IT consultant, as an Information systems manager you will be dealing with the securely effective functioning of all company systems. This involves not just software and hardware maintenance, but also cybersecurity, IT support, user guidance, budgeting, staying abreast of licensing laws, and more.

While there are no preset conditions for becoming an Information systems manager, having a genuine interest in the role goes a long way in dealing with the various requirements. You should have a firm understanding of business management principles to make the job and your contribution easier. 

Systems Analyst

Your main priority as a Systems analyst would be improving business productivity and overall efficiency through innovative and effective IT solutions. There is a constant need to be creative and swift, ensuring old solutions are revamped to meet new business requirements and new solutions integrate old features with new enhancements.

To master being a Systems analyst, you have to be technically proficient with unshakeable clarity of your and other business practices. 

Database Administrator

As a database admin, your job is to simply overlook and get involved in everything related to your company’s database management. Since almost everything these days gets stored on the net, your main job is to ensure cybersecurity while making it more accessible and consistently functional.

Further, the job requirements of a database admin extend beyond the usual computer maintenance rounds. Troubleshooting, documentation, reporting, ensuring smooth and productive liaisons with support staff, the programmers, designers, and technical staff, creating guide manuals, offering user training, customer support, and such. 

Cyber Security Consultant

Signing up for the role of a cybersecurity consultant requires you to be more than familiar with the risks concerning information/data security. The job role is an integral aspect of a company where you’ll be dealing with security breaches and how to strengthen cyber protection to keep confidential data safe.

Alternatively, you could get into the field of ethical hacking where you get paid to breach the employer’s cybersecurity measures to display the weak areas. Another area to consider would be forensic investigator or analyst so you can assess and address the root causes and concerns for cybercrimes and to some degree contribute to their prevention. 


Technical Writer

Writing as an aspect of company growth is often underrated. There is so much potential in content marketing that comes through mastering the art of writing for your audience. The job of a technical writer would be delivering all necessary information about the company product/service to the public so they know it exists and can use it effectively upon purchase.

Technical knowledge gained during your college years comes in handy when curating content specific to the service/product. Also, fluency in processing the right words in the right format to engage with the right audience is a plus.

As a technical writer, you would be writing content ranging from How-to guides, product/service manuals or informative pieces and articles for almost all niches from chemical engineering to finance and healthcare.


Computer science is not limited to the above-mentioned career choices. There are plenty more in the field of development, administration, analyzing, research, and teaching to explore. Research, in particular, holds great potential since you’ll be working on improving the current technology and looking at new methods to address old issues or revamping old solutions to get new ones.

With the relevant interest, you could get into IT training, entrepreneurship, journalism, and more if you wish.

Courses to consider with a Computer Science Degree

A few resourceful students and parents alike may have a good idea of the numerous colleges and universities offering IT courses to their liking. 

For the others who know the bare minimum of which further educational institute to choose, we present a list of renowned universities offering a variety of computer courses for holistic education.

  1. Master Of Science In Computer Science – Campbellsville University
  2. Master Of Science In IT Management – Campbellsville University
  3. Executive Ph.D. In Information Technology – University of the Cumberland
  4. Executive Master’s In Digital Forensics – University of the Cumberlands
  5. Executive Master’s In Global Business With Blockchain Technology – University of the Cumberlands
  6. Executive Master’s In Information Systems Security – University of the Cumberlands
  7. Executive Master’s In Information Technology – University of the Cumberlands
  8. Executive Master Of Science In Information Technology Administration – Alderson Broaddus University

Final Thoughts

You’ll agree once you’ve taken in all the above information that a simple computer science degree can be a versatile resume builder. Almost every type of industry, big or small, relies on some form of computer technology to function efficiently. And with the never-ending innovations in technology, the current demand for computer science graduates is skyrocketing without limit.

Out in the US, there is no region that doesn’t require computer science applications. If you’re seeking a place to work or study, it doesn’t have to be far away from home. Simply choose a destination and you’ll find one or the other work vacancy suiting your requirements. Alternatively, you could put the web to use and search for informational resources like University HUB to guide you down the right path efficiently. Simply use the information present to your advantage and get to planning your future, armed with a versatile credential, that is, your computer science degree.


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