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Indian Student Guide for doing MBA in the USA


You have just completed college and you are in a dilemma whether you want to pursue higher studies or settle in for a job after completing your undergraduate course anywhere in India.

Well, if you are a job-seeker, this definitely is not the place to be. But, but, but, if you have this ambitiously crazy dream of doing MBA in America for Indian Students, this blog is for all of you.

Going abroad is a dream for many. But only a handful from the whole lot takes a step forward to streamline their path of dreams. Looks like you are on your way to make it happen too!

What specialization should I choose for an MBA? Will I get admission to a university? How is it for an Indian to live in the USA after this pandemic? And is this really worth the hype that surrounds the USA?

Read further to understand intricate details on what it takes to study MBA in America for Indian Students and the necessities to be followed for ensuring a hassle-free studying and staying experience abroad. 

MBA – What and Why?

Technology is advancing rapidly, automation is changing workforce dynamics, and marketplaces are increasingly crowded with the competition that is slowly on the verge of moving online. All of these challenges make the stakes higher than ever for business leaders, especially at this time.

Brands are (always) on the lookout for managers who can secure, train and motivate top talent while keeping their eye on the bottom line. Brands just do not need people who can work from 9-5; they need minds who can inspire others and instill the brand’s vision into the employees.

MBA Graduates possess the interpersonal leadership skills and emotional intelligence required to be a successful manager, through the academics they are taught during their course of study.

Being an MBA grad also lets you have cross-functional business knowledge and skills to break down barriers and increase efficiency — of yours and your company’s.

And expertise is not the only creamy part of this course. According to data from Poets & Quants, the average MBA salary in 2019 for U.S. graduates was $134,991. Astonishing, isn’t it?

Studying a course that you love and earning considerably for doing what you love. Now that’s what you call a dream life. And that can only be possible based on the decisions you make today for your better tomorrow.


Benefits of MBA in America for Indian Students 

Universities in the USA have a wide range of programs related to business and management. But, MBA is the most preferred program for business aspirants to study abroad. 

  1. Understanding Global Market
  2. Quality of Business Schools
  3. Career Opportunities
  4. Lucrative Salary
  5. Organizational Skills
  6. International Exposure

Let’s take a look at what lies behind why so many aspiring entrepreneurs and managers want to study MBA.

Understanding Global Market

Let’s not limit it just to businesses or brands, the whole world has undergone a changeover due to the pandemic. Brands evolved and so does the way they do business. With the USA being a major hub for global brands, studying MBA there will help students get a global perspective.

Quality of Business Schools

When there are so many universities and business schools across the globe, why so much fervor for those in the USA? The quality of education, of course. Esteemed faculty with decades of experience, campuses filled with brimming minds, and a direct experience of understanding business.


Career Opportunities

So, what next after MBA? Having a degree from a reputed university places you on a high pedestal and advances your chances of being enlisted by the world’s best companies, provided your skill matches the need they are looking for. Remember, the sky’s the limit. Always aim higher in all you do.

Lucrative Salary

Whether you want to come back to India or continue to cherish a career in the United States, the chances are high that you will be offered high pay for your skills. You can expect to earn twice as much as what you would get from a regular university degree. Settle for a life you’ve dreamt!

Organizational Skills

Managing a team of people with/under you is a trait that needs to be developed and honed through constant practice. The nation that’s known to be the top-most, what else would be a suitable place to learn how to manage a team/company? MBA in the USA sheds light on those as well.

International Exposure

For over two decades, what you have seen in the news or read in the media — fly away, go out, and experience yourself. Immerse yourself in the vivid culture of the USA and get exposure — something that you’d never get unless you are there in the place to observe everything that’s happening around you.


Admission Criteria for MBA in USA

Going good, so far?

Wondering how to join MBA in USA? And how to apply for the course you desire and still figuring out the Admission procedure for MBA in USA? Here, we have given a few insights about Admission Criteria for MBA in the USA.

  1. Degree: An undergrad degree from a university/college is necessary to apply for an MBA in the USA. The degree you did does not only have to be related to marketing or the business field. You could have studied anything (say science or engineering) and still do an MBA.
  1. Work Experience: Not everyone from India decides to directly do an MBA after they complete a UG course. Many chose to work for a year or two or even more and then set out to study MBA. If you fall in these categories, a minimum of 2 to 4 years of experience is often sought. And it totally depends upon each business school for obtaining the Admission Criteria for MBA in USA.
  1. GMAT Exam: “Do I need to write an exam?” Yep, you got to. G-M-A-T. The GMAT score can directly be sent to the business school and they’ll evaluate your performance based on your scores. Make sure to devote some ample time for preparing to approach the examination.

    You need to have a great GMAT score to secure a seat. For instance, anywhere between 710 – 740 marks can be considered as good. However, if you put in some more slack and are able to touch 740 plus marks, there lies a great gift to behold. And the scores solely depend upon the institutions you chose – it varies based on their preset requirements.
  1. TOEFL Exam: This is an examination to assess your English Proficiency. And an assessment that is widely accepted in many American Universities. It tests your ability to communicate in English in specifically academic, university, and classroom-based settings.

    Apart from TOEFL to check your proof of English proficiency and academic evaluation, there are also exams like IELTS and PTE which assess your capabilities and leverage the best
  1. SOP’s | MBA Essays: Why do you want to study what you want to study is an important question to ponder upon. Ensure your Statement of Purpose, Essays, and Recommendation Letter clearly spell out your goals. Because when you cannot, your words will speak for you. Keep it original and from your heart.

Top MBA Colleges in USA for Indian Students

There are a lot of factors beyond the admission criteria for MBA in the USA that need to be taken into consideration before applying to a university and zeroing on the location. From academics and accommodation to a lot more, finding the perfect place to upskill your academic excellence is not going to be complicated as we’ve compiled a list of universities that will make you feel at home.

Take your time off. Open every link and give yourself ample time to understand what university works for you and what doesn’t. This is going to be a tough nut to crack, but you have to break this nut. Check out MBA in USA fees for Indian students. Discuss with your family and friends. Ask around if you know anyone staying at the places where the universities are situated.

Or, if you just want to remove this task off your head? Get in touch with us. We’ll understand your requirements and make the process hassle-free.


Closing Thoughts

Whether you’re on the fence about studying MBA abroad or you’re trying to convince your parents to foot the bill, it’s important to understand the concrete benefits of choosing MBA in America for Indian Students coupled with the umpteen benefits it offers in terms of career, personal growth, and overall development of your life.

Studying abroad teaches not just the education, but a lot of skills: how to be resilient, to look at things from a different perspective, and how to live life on our own standing on our own feet.
Now is the right time to plan your studies abroad. Ready for it? Our team of experts are ready to give you the right advice when you really need it.


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